Nanotechnology Project

About Us

Donald Kennedy

Editor-in-chief of Science magazine, President Emeritus and Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus, at Stanford University

Donald Kennedy is the editor-in-chief of Science magazine as well as president emeritus and Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus, at Stanford University. Kennedy’s areas of expertise include the environmental impact of land-use changes, economically driven alterations in agricultural practice, global climate change and the development of regulatory practices.

He was educated at Harvard University, where he received both bachelors and doctoral degrees in Biology. He joined the faculty of Stanford in 1960 and served as Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration during the Carter administration from 1977-1979. He has been with Science since 2000. Dr. Kennedy is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and served on the National Commission for Public Service, and the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government.