January 14, 2009
PEN 17 - A Hard Pill to Swallow
Historically, the regulation of dietary supplements has been a significant challenge for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the fact that some of these products are now being manufactured using nanotechnology creates an additional layer of complexity. Is FDA equipped to meet the emerging regulatory challenge of dietary supplements that use engineered nanomaterials?
July 23, 2008
PEN 13 - Nanotechnology Oversight
Few domestic policy areas that the new administration must address will have greater long-range consequences than nanotechnology — a new technology that has been compared with the industrial revolution in terms of its impact on society. If the right decisions are made, nanotechnology will bring vast improvements to almost every area of daily living. If the wrong decisions are made, the American economy, human health and the environment will suffer.
May 1, 2008
How to Reduce Your Firm’s Risk and Increase Revenues Related to Nanotechnology
With limited time and resources, how can your firm start to think about or expand on its environmental, health, and safety (EHS) practices related to the use of nanomaterials? This pamphlet presents eight suggestions to assist nano firms in addressing EHS issues associated with the production and use of nanomaterials.
January 4, 2008
Looking Back on the First Two Years
This report reviews the Project’s major activities, key contributions, and most significant impacts over its first two years.
March 1, 2007
On the Horizons of Medicine and Healthcare